
教学视频 for Online and Hybrid Courses

The Department of 远程教育 is committed to the quality of online and hybrid 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学提供的课程. 我们支持的一种方式是通过 优质教学媒体的管理.

Video has become an important part of higher education. 一些荟萃分析 显示技术可以促进学习(e).g.Schmid等人., 2014),以及多个 studies have shown that video, specifically, can be a highly effective educational 工具(e.g., Kay, 2012; Allen and Smith, 2012; Lloyd and Robertson, 2012; Rackaway, 2012; Hsin and Cigas, 2013). 

Here is a quick look at what you will find in the below best practices for instructional 视频:

  • Keep the video brief and targeted on learning objectives
  • Use audio and visual elements to convey appropriate parts of an explanation; make 它们是互补的,而不是多余的
  • Use signaling to highlight important ideas or concepts
  • Use conversational, enthusiastic style to enhance engagement
  • 在主动学习的环境中嵌入视频

Based on the premise that effective learning experiences minimize extraneous cognitive load, optimize germane cognitive load, and manage intrinsic cognitive load, we promote 三个有效的视频开发实践.

  • Signaling, also known as cueing is the use of on screen text or symbols that highlight 重要信息.
    • Examples: keywords on the screen, changes in color to emphasize information or relationships
  • Segmenting is chunking of information to allow learners to engage with small pieces of new information as well as 给 them control over the flow of new information.
    • 例如:短视频(7-9分钟或更短)
  • Weeding is the elimination of interesting but extraneous information from the video, that is, the information that does not contribute to the learning goal.
    • Examples: eliminating music, eliminate complex backgrounds

One of the most important aspects of creating instructional videos is to include elements 这有助于提高学生的参与度. 如果学生不看视频,他们 不能向他们学习吗.


Research shows that the median engagement time for videos less than six minutes long 接近100% (Guo et al., 2014). Videos 9-12 minutes long had 50% engagement while 超过12分钟的视频参与度下降到20%. 



  • Use conversational style which promotes social partnership with the student
  • 语速要快,要有热情
  • Make sure the material feels like it is for these students in this class

To help students get the most of an educational video, it’s important we provide the tools to help them process the information and monitor their own understanding.



  • 使用引导性问题
  • Use interactive features that 给 students control
  • 将问题整合到视频中

Instructional videos can be those that you create yourself or those that you curate 从网上资源.  如果您感兴趣:


  • YuJa Media Management is used to create, host, manage, and edit video and audio 文件.  它也可以被使用 to store, manage, and share a large spectrum of other digital assets like images, 文档等.  视频是自动字幕的.  内容存储在YuJa很容易 added to D2L through the YuJa Media Chooser option under Insert Stuff.

  • 变焦, while mainly used for web conferencing, is also a great option for video creation.  变焦 allows for one-on-one and group online meetings using video and/or audio.  It has whiteboarding, polls, groups, chat, and screen sharing all of which can be used 在录制自己的视频.

  • Camtasia工作室* 是屏幕录制和视频编辑软件吗. Camtasia让你记录你的屏幕 and voice as you demonstrate applications on your computer. 如果你用的是个人电脑 version of Camtasia, you can use the PowerPoint plugin to record and share your presentations.  您可以通过填写 远程教育 Request Multimedia 软件 License form (opens new window).

  • 屏幕捕获工具* is an easy, reliable platform that captures screenshots and records videos and audio 文件. With a very robust and feature rich screen capture and screen recording software, instructors are able to easily get their point across without having to spend a significant amount of time to prepare a traditional presentation. 您可以通过以下方式申请许可证 完成 远程教育 Request Multimedia 软件 License form (opens new window).

*软件 installations on 365bet computers require administrative access to the computer.  You will need to request the software license from 远程教育 using the linked 上面的形式 contact GOVSTECH to have it installed on your work computer (opens new window).

Allen WA and Smith AR (2012). Effects of video podcasting on psychomotor and cognitive performance, attitudes and study behavior of student physical therapists. 创新 in Education and Teaching International 49, 401-414.

辛文杰、陈志杰(2013). Short videos improve student learning in online education. Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges 28, 253-259.

Kay RH (2012). Exploring the use of video podcasts in education: A comprehensive review 文学作品. 计算机与人类行为,28,820-831.

Lloyd SA和Robertson CL (2012). 视频教程增强学生的学习 统计数据. 心理学教学39,67-71.

Rackaway C (2012). 视频扼杀了教科书明星? 使用多媒体辅助 加强学生学习. 政治科学教育杂志8,189-200.

Schmid RF, Bernard RM, Borokhovski E, Tamim RM, Abrami PC, Surkes MA, Wade CA, and 伍兹J. (2014). The effects of technology use in postsecondary education: A meta-analysis 课堂应用. 电脑 & 教育,72,271-291.